Ensuring and improving quality...
The education and training plan is the basis of our pedagogical work in our facility.
We attach great importance to the fact that what we do and the associated quality can be maintained or improved.
We always reconsider our work in regular team meetings, in cooperation with the specialist advice of the Protestant regional association, as well as with the provider and the kindergarten committee. We take part in current further training courses and conduct annual parent surveys.
The development processes of the children are observed, documented and reflected on in the team.
We are always careful to adapt our concept to new circumstances, to develop and continue it.
Parent meetings are held at regular intervals.
The pedagogical work, parent talks, festivals and activities are prepared during the staff's available times and on the annual planning day. These preparation times are planned into the daily routine in such a way that they only marginally limit the work with the children.
We take part in the PQB project (pedagogical quality support in Bayer) of the Evang. KiTa Association Bavaria. The aim of this project is to reflect on and maintain or improve our educational work.